Compute factorial of positive integer

fac() { { echo 1; seq $1; } | paste -s -d\* | bc; }

May 21, 2014jeroenjanssens


This one-liner defines a shell function named fac that computes the factorial of a positive integer. Once this function has been defined (you can put it in your .bashrc), you can use it as follows:

$ fac 10

Let's break the function down. Assume that we want to compute the factorial of 4. First, it echo's 1, so that the factorial of 0 works correctly (because seq 0 outputs nothing). Then, seq is used to generate a list of numbers:

$ echo 1; seq 4

We want to combine these numbers into a multiplication expression 1*1*2*3*4. In other words, we want to paste these lines together with a * in between. We can do this using the paste command. To pass the output of both the echo and seq, we group the commands together using the { ...; } syntax:

$ { echo 1; seq 4; } | paste -s -d\*

Finally, we pass this expression to bc to actually compute it:

$ { echo 1; seq 4; } | paste -s -d\* | bc

The $1 in the function means "the first argument", making the function usable with any positive integer parameter.

Alternative one-liners

Recursively compute factorial of positive integer using only built-ins

factorial() ( IFS=\*; let N=$1-1 k="$*" && factorial "$N" "$k" || echo ${2-1} )

November 25, 2019CK