Kill a process running on port 8080

lsof -i :8080 | awk '{l=$2} END {print l}' | xargs kill

June 15, 2018jamestomasino


As before, we're using lsof to find the PID of the process running on port 8080. We use awk to store the second column of each line into a variable l, overwriting it with each line. In the END clause, we're left with the second column of only the last line. xargs passes that as a parameter to the kill command.

The only notable diffirence from the command listed above is the use of awk to also complete the tail -n 1 step. This awk pattern matches the same intended behavior of the script that was using tail. To kill all processes on that port, you could use the NR>1 clause instead of the variable loop.

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Kill a process running on port 8080

lsof -i :8080 | awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1 | xargs kill

August 18, 2017kimbethwel