Scan all open local ports without any external programs

for i in {1..65535}; do (< "/dev/tcp/$i") &>/dev/null && { echo; echo "[+] Open Port at: $i"; }  || printf "."; done; echo

May 8, 2019Goeks1


for i in {1..65535}; do ...; done loops from 1 to 65535 using Brace Expansion.

(< "/dev/tcp/$i") &>/dev/null -- for each value of $i (1 to 65535), we attempt to read from the file /dev/tcp/$i, and redirect both the standard output and the standard error from that operation to /dev/null, because we're only interested in the exit code.

With the idiom cmd && ... || ..., if cmd is successful (= exits with code 0), the shell executes the command after &&, otherwise it executes the command after ||.

In other words, reading from /dev/tcp/$i is successful, we print that the port at $i is open, otherwise we print a dot.


Only works on Linux.