Welcome to bashoneliners.com, a curated collection of practical and well-explained Bash one-liners, snippets, tips and tricks. We aim to make each published one-liner to be of high quality: useful, easy to read, follows best practices, with clear, detailed, accurate explanation. These one-liners should help you automate tasks, troubleshoot problems, whether it be in system administration, file management, networking or programming.
expected_checksum=...; sha512sum path/to/file | { read actual_checksum _; [ "$actual_checksum" = "$expected_checksum" ] && printf "\033[0;32mValid\n" || printf "\033[0;31mInvalid\n"; }
find . -type f -empty -prune -o -type f -printf "%s\t" -exec file --brief --mime-type '{}' \; | awk 'BEGIN {printf("%12s\t%12s\n", "bytes", "type")} {type = $2; a[type] += $1} END {for (i in a) printf("%12u\t%12s\n", a[i], i) | "sort -nr"}'
printf '%s\n' {1..10}
for i in {1..65535}; do (< "/dev/tcp/$i") &>/dev/null && { echo; echo "[+] Open Port at: $i"; } || printf "."; done; echo
find . -print0 | xargs -0 -P 40 -n 1 sh -c 'ffmpeg -i "$1" 2>&1 | grep "Duration:" | cut -d " " -f 4 | sed "s/.$//" | tr "." ":"' - | awk -F ':' '{ sum1+=$1; sum2+=$2; sum3+=$3; sum4+=$4; if (sum4 > 100) { sum3+=1; sum4=0 }; if (sum3 > 60) { sum2+=1; sum3=0 }; if (sum2 > 60) { sum1+=1; sum2=0 } if (NR % 100 == 0) { printf "%.0f:%.0f:%.0f.%.0f\n", sum1, sum2, sum3, sum4 } } END { printf "%.0f:%.0f:%.0f.%.0f\n", sum1, sum2, sum3, sum4 }'
while :; do date; awk '{printf "1 minute load: %.2f\n", $1; printf "5 minute load: %.2f\n", $2; printf "15 minute load: %.2f\n", $3}' /proc/loadavg; sleep 3; done
echo $(printf %08X 256 | grep -o .. | tac | tr -d '\n')
printf '%s\n' ',s/^Exec=[^ ]*/& -s/' w q | ed /usr/share/applications/gimp.desktop
find /path/to/drive -type f -exec file -b '{}' \; -printf '%s\n' | awk -F , 'NR%2 {i=$1} NR%2==0 {a[i]+=$1} END {for (i in a) printf("%12u %s\n",a[i],i)}' | sort -nr